Send emails using the Mailchimp integration feature to keep your community informed and your reported data up-to-date. This powerful integration tool lets you easily share your member profile info and tags with Mailchimp to send targeted emails to your constituents. Through two-way integration, you can see when email communications were sent and when members have unsubscribed without ever having to leave the portal.
Get Started
To open the Mailchimp Integration page, go to the Messaging > Email page in the portal.
Integration Set-up
In order to establish the initial connection, you'll need to enter your Mailchimp Server Prefix and API Key. Please review help articles from the Mailchimp site to discover where to find each one. Once you’ve identified both pieces of information, enter them into their respective boxes and click the Connect Account button. A successful connection opens the Connection Success page, which will be the default page after having connected successfully the first time.

Once your Mailchimp account is successfully connected to the portal, you'll be asked to choose from the list of existing audiences defined in Mailchimp. Your existing Mailchimp audience will display and be used to import the portal profiles. If more than 1 exists, the admin can select their preferred audience from a dropdown menu. If a Mailchimp audience doesn't exist, an audience named Imported List will be created for portal profiles. Upon audience identification, the portal starts to send Mailchimp the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Tag Info of each profile.
*Note: You'll be prompted to re-select an audience if you have disconnected and are looking to reconnect.

In the event multiple portal profiles share the same email address, it's important to note they will also share a single Mailchimp profile. In this scenario, there are 2 key aspects of the Mailchimp profile to note:
The name shown in Mailchimp will be the name associated with most recently updated portal profile
All tags associated with any of the portal profiles will be combined and stored with the single Mailchimp profile
Each time a profile is updated in the portal, the information shared with Mailchimp is refreshed. Since multiple FACTS profiles can share the same email address, when crafting emails sent to FACTS profiles, it may be best to address them as Dear <Last name> family as opposed to Dear <first name> of respective profiles. Now that you’re connected, sending emails to your community will be a breeze!
After the two systems exchange data, each member’s profile shows imported Mailchimp information. To find this information go to the Profiles > People page and select a profile. The member’s Timeline shows a list of email messages that were sent from Mailchimp, and any unsubscribe requests the member has sent to Mailchimp.
*Note: If your connection is lost at any point, you may encounter a failed integration notice. Should this occur, emails sent during that time in Mailchimp will not be reflected on the member’s Activity timeline in the portal.

Additionally, admins have the ability to filter a user's timeline activity by selecting Email in the activity Type filter shown below.

This email integration provides a valuable way for you to connect with users. With email integration, you can also use the power of Tags to send targeted, meaningful emails!
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at!
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