With the standard video feature, it's easy to pull in your video content directly from YouTube or Vimeo. There's no need to upload videos; all you have to do is input the link.
For YouTube, the portal can pull in content through a playlist.
For Vimeo, the portal can pull in all content types: video, album, channel, or user.
Add Your Video Content to the App
To pull in your video content, go to the App > Features + Content page in your portal. Add the Watch, Standard Feed feature, then go to that tile and click Edit Content. For more on how to add and manage features, read this article.
Next, choose the video provider (either Vimeo or YouTube), type of content (playlist for YouTube; user, channel, video, or album for Vimeo), and then paste the full URL (link) from either Vimeo or YouTube.
Finally, click the Add to app button.
- There is no need to find the specific content ID - simply copy and paste the public link straight from YouTube or Vimeo and paste it here. For example, https://vimeo.com/channels/FACTS.
After you click Add to app, you will see your content previewed below. You can expand the collection to see the details of the content by clicking on that collection's name. In the example below, we added a Vimeo channel called "FACTS." You can see where the channel name shows at the top, and once the channel name is clicked, the video content appears in a list with preview photos below.
Reorder & Remove Content
Click the garbage can icon on the right-hand side to delete the content.
You can also hover over a piece of content until you see a hand icon, then drag and drop it to reorder your content.
Video Dates
By default, we pull in the dates the videos were uploaded to your video provider.
If you don't want to display the video upload dates, you can select hidden from the drop menu titled Upload dates for all videos.
Accent Colors
The same dark accent color that you selected for your calendar will be the same color that carries over to the video feature.
Your video list is refreshed from YouTube or Vimeo in two ways:
- Automatic - Your videos automatically refresh; however, it's not in real-time. For performance reasons, we cache your video list from YouTube or Vimeo and refresh it twice per day. If you add a new video in YouTube or Vimeo and give it ~12 hours, you should see your new video in-app.
- Manual - If you visit the video page (click into that watch feature from your App > Features & Content page in the portal), the list will be manually refreshed. This is a good option if you have something that is time sensitive.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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