A podcast is much more intimate than an email or announcement page. Podcasts also allow your members to listen to your sermons or daily devotions on the go. At any moment, they can open your app, click on your podcast feature, and be encouraged and uplifted in a matter of minutes.
Add a Podcast Feed
Go to the App > Features + Content page in your portal. Add the Audio, Podcast feature, then go to that tile and click Edit Content. For more on how to add and manage features, read this article.
If your podcast is listed on iTunes, copy your iTunes URL (example) and paste it into the URL field box in the podcast feature. Your podcast will automatically pull in!
You can also pull in your podcast by copying your podcast’s direct RSS feed (example) and pasting it into the URL field box within the podcast feature.
Q. Can I upload an MP3 or MP4 file to the podcast feature?
A. Today, there is not a way to upload MP3 or MP4 files directly to the podcast feature in the FACTS portal. You can always upload those files to iTunes and create a podcast to pull in through the URL iTunes provides.
Q. How do I create a podcast on iTunes?
A. Apple provides a very helpful resource that will walk you through the different steps in creating a podcast through iTunes here: https://itunespartner.apple.com/podcasts/
Q. My podcast isn’t showing in the FACTS portal when I copy and paste my podcast URL. What’s going on?
A. Send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com, and our team will look behind the scenes to see what is happening!
Q. My podcast feature in-app says “No results Found”, why?
A. You could be seeing the message “No results found” because the wrong URL is being pulled in or the feed you are pulling in doesn’t have any content on it yet. Send our team a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com, and we will dive in and investigate!
Q. Why can I not hear my podcast audio in-app on my iPhone?
A. If you are unable to hear your podcast audio in app on your iPhone, double-check and make sure the volume button on the side of your iPhone is toggled ‘on.’ If your volume is toggled off and you can see a little orange line, after toggling your volume on, you should be able to hear your podcast!
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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