You must set up at least one category before adding a menu. See Manage Categories below before proceeding.
Add a Food Menu
- Go to Site Manager.
- Click Tool Databases.
- Click Food Menu.
- Select a Category.
- Select a Month and a Year.
- Click the number in the calendar grid to create a food menu for the day.
- Select a Category.
- Type the Menu.
- If this is a recurring menu, select a Repeat option.
- Select how often the menu will repeat.
- Select the days of the week that the menu will appear.
- Select a Repetition End Date.
- Click Submit New Food Menu (or click Back to start over).
To update a menu, simply click the menu name in the calendar grid, make your edits, and click Save (or Cancel to discard your changes). Click Delete if you want to delete the menu.
Actions Menu
Select from the Actions menu on the calendar main screen to:
- Manage Categories
- Import Menu Data
Manage Categories
When you add a menu to a page with a page level tool, you can select which categories you would like to include on the menu. You can select one category, any combination of categories, or all categories. If you only have one category, all menus will appear on your page level menu.
- Select Manage Categories from the Actions menu on the top right of your screen.
- If you have more than one category, select the menu that you would like your new category to Position After.
- Type the Category Name.
- Select a Color for the menu: None or Custom Color. You can enter a hexadecimal color code, or click the box to the left of the code to select the color you want.
- Click Add Category.
- Click Save (or Cancel to discard your changes).
Your new category will appear in the Food Menu Categories list. Click the menu name to edit it, or click the trashcan in the Delete column to remove it. (This will delete the category from all of the menus that it is currently associated with.)
To reorder Food Menu Categories, click Reorder at the top right of the list. Drag and drop the menus in the order that you like, then click Done Reordering.
Import Menu Data
*Note: Make sure the only information in the Excel sheet is the data; no column headers.
- Prepare your spreadsheet.
- Make sure the columns in the Excel sheet are in the correct order:
- Column A: Date(s) – format: m/d/yyyy; comma separated list of dates
- Column B: Category(s) – comma separated list; each category must match an existing category exactly
- Column C: Menu Items
- Make sure there are no blank cells.
- Save the Excel file as a .xls or .xlsx file.
- Choose the Excel file.
- Click Import Food Menu Data (or Cancel to discard your changes).
*Note: This importer will only add menus. It will not replace existing menus.
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