There are several CCB API services that FACTS taps into, saving you time and getting the latest-and-greatest into your end users' hands.
Update API Services
To update the services, log in to your CCB management console. From there:
- Click Settings
- Click API
- Create the API user, if necessary:
- Click the Add a new API User button
- Use the following information to create the account:
- Aware3 API for name
- aware3_api for username
- A unique, complex password for the password
- Aware3 for the Organization Name
- Click Save
- Click the Users tab, highlight the appropriate account and click the name link under API User Account Details
- Click the Services tab, and highlight the following services:
- area_list
- campus_list
- create_individual
- form_list
- group_profile_from_id
- group_search
- group_type_list
- individual_id_from_login_password
- individual_profile_from_id
- individual_profile_from_login_password
- individual_search
- meet_day_list
- meet_time_list
- online_giving_insert_gift
- public_calendar_listing
- transaction_detail_type_list
- update_individual
- Click Save
- Email the new FACTS API Username ("aware3_api" - not your personal CCB username) and API password to so we can hook up the wires!
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at!
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