CCB profiles can be synchronized with Aware3 with the click of a button. When a user gives through Aware3, adds their profile to your app, or uses many other Profile-related functions, the system can search for the existing user in CCB and associate the profile information - or create it, if it doesn't exist.
CCB Profile Sync FAQs
We've summarized some of the most commonly-asked questions.
How do I enable CCB synchronization?
Check that your CCB API setup is complete. A new API service (update_individual) is required for profile syncing. Read this API Servies article for more information.
Within the Aware3 console, click Profiles > People. At the top-right of the page, click the settings gear icon, and check the box next to the Synchronize Church Community Builder profiles?.
Can I receive an email when profiles are created in CCB?
Yes. Under Profiles > People, click the settings gear icon and check the box next to the Send me CCB profile creation notifications?. This will subscribe your email address to the notification list, and will shoot you a note every time a profile is created in CCB.
Each administrator who wants to receive notifications will need to log into the portal and enable this option.
Email notifications are only generated when profiles are created in CCB, not when they are matched or updated.
How are matches made with CCB profiles?
Matching for profiles follows the same logic as matching during giving. For full details, click here.
Will the sync send profile pictures to and from CCB?
No, not at this point.
How does multi-campus affect profile synchronization?
If your CCB instance is multi-campus, any newly-created profiles will be created on your Main Campus. This only occurs if no match is found.
Full multi-campus support is on the aware3 roadmap.
What happens if I merge the new profile with an existing one in CCB?
There are two possibilities when you merge a new profile with an existing CCB profile.
- If the merged profile "winner" is the new profile - aware3 will continue to update the newly-created profile as usual.
- If the existing profile is the "winner", the next time an update is attempted, the same matching logic will occur as detailed above, and match based on email address.
What profile fields write over to CCB?
Email, first/last name, mobile phone, and mailing street/city/state/zip/country
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at!
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