The Pledge Report shows real-time data for donors who have committed to one or more pledges. Here you can easily see the total amount pledged across your entire organization, as well as track the status of individual pledges.
With the Pledge Report, you can …
Instantly see your committed pledge volume.
Quickly sort pledges which are about to end to forecast impacts on future giving.
Easily identify pledges which have fallen past due, so you can reach out to those donors.
Effortlessly identify completed pledges to thank those donors for honoring their commitment.
Get Started
To view pledges and their progress, select Reports from the main menu, then click the Pledges tile.

At a glance, you can quickly see the Total Pledged across all donors, the Total Given for each donor, and the details of each pledge, including the current pledge Status:
Past Due – payments to-date have not been made in accordance with the installment amounts scheduled when the pledge was created
On Track – all payments to-date have been made in accordance with the installment amounts scheduled when the pledge was created
Completed – the pledge has reached the end date, and the total amount pledged has been paid
Stopped – the pledge has been stopped
As you scroll to the right, the table displays additional pledge information and demographic columns, as follows:
Next Installment Amount
Next Installment Due Date
Start Date
End Date
Automatic Reminders
Postal Code

Pledge Options
Click the three dots next to a profile to open the Action menu, which offers more options related to the specific pledge or to the profile.
From the Action menu, you can …
View Pledge Payment Link
Opens a new browser window that displays the unique donor pledge details as seen on the payment page
Copy Pledge Payment Link
Copies the pledge payment link to your clipboard so you can paste the link into communications with the donor
Stop Pledge
Sets the pledge status to Stopped. The donor receives no further reminders.
Delete Pledge
Removes the pledge from the Pledge table.
Existing pledge payment transactions are removed from the pledge and become standard donations.
View Giving
Opens the Giving > Transactions page on the portal, filtered on the selected profile.
Change Report Parameters
Although this report comes pre-set to include all pledges set to tax deductible funds, you can also change the parameters if you wish. Please refer to the Changing Report Parameters and Filters article to learn how to add or remove criteria to adjust the data in your report.
Download the Report
Click the Download Results button to download a CSV file that contains all the data in your report.

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