Encourage donors to increase their donations by giving them options for Suggested Donation Amounts.
You can:
Set up three to five specific suggested amounts to display to the donors during the donor experience
Select a default amount to be preselected for the donor
Set Up the Suggested Donation Amounts
To get started, open the Giving menu and select the Donor Experience option.
This opens the Donor Experience Page.
In the Suggested Donation Amounts section, click the checkbox next to the Provide suggested donation amounts to donors setting. You will then see the expanded section to set up your Suggested Donation Amounts. The amounts of $25, $50, and $75 are already set, and $50 is set as the default amount for the donor. You may choose to keep the prepopulated amounts, or change them as you like.
To select the default that will be preselected for the donor, click the radio button next to the respective amount.
You may also want to add suggested amounts to entice donors to give just a bit more, or to make a more economic choice for themselves. To do this, click the Add Amount button and a new amount line will appear.

You can add up to five suggested amounts.

To remove a suggested amount, simply click the trash can icon next to the amount you want to remove. You must offer a minimum of 3 amounts.

The Giving Experience
The donors will see the suggested amount you have populated on the Donor Experience page shown above. They will see the amount you chose as a default already selected in the amount field. The donors can choose one of the other amounts suggested with a single click, or change the pre-populated value shown in the Amount field to an amount they choose.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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