When you use FACTS giving, we guarantee at least a 5% increase in online giving. If you do not see at least a 5% increase in your online giving, we'll give you your money back for your first year of service.
Guaranteed Giving Increase of 5%
To qualify for the giving increase, the following parameters must be met:
Provide a giving statement for the 12 months prior to launching with FACTS. This will be compared with overall giving for the 12 months following your app and giving channel launch.
- The following channels must exclusively utilize FACTS-powered giving:
- App Giving
- “Give” link from top-level on church website homepage
App and Website Appeals
Test app and giving channels with staff and board prior to launch.
Publicly launch your app and giving channels with your congregation, following the App Promotion Guidelines and online giving ideas listed below.
- Leverage your existing social media, email campaigns, and print resources.
Encourage recurring gifts to make giving simple.
Keep your app dynamic and up-to-date. FACTS grows sustainable generosity by building overall member engagement and trust.
Ask for help when you need it. This is a partnership! We are here to help you.
Ways to Promote Online Giving
There are several ways to encourage your members to make donations in-app, through text-to-give, and on your website.
Put your web giving link on your website. You can find your web giving link on the Dashboard > Giving page in your portal. If your church is new to online giving, post a list of FAQs to answer common questions people might have about online giving.
Sunday Morning
On Sunday morning at the start or end of your service, have your pastor or another church leader take 5 minutes to walk through a $1 donation through text-to-give or through your giving button in-app with your congregation as a whole.
Send a push message at least 3 times per month encouraging people to give through the app. If your church uses email, include your web giving link, link to download your app, and/or text-to-give number in your email communication.
Info Pages in App
If your church is new to online giving, you might consider some additional resources in-app to help people get accustomed to the new process. Use info pages with step by step instructions on how to make a donation through text-to-give and by clicking on your give button in-app.
- Info pages make great mobile pages that support images and links. You can also add images of the donation process along with your step-by-step instructions.
- Create a FACTS form members can fill out if they are having trouble or getting stuck somewhere during the giving process and link that form within your info page.
Lunch & Learn
Have a lunch-and-learn about all things giving. You can cover topics like donation in-app, Text-to-Give, or passcode creation and donation management.
Giving Ambassador
A giving ambassador is very similar to an app ambassador. These individuals know how to make a donation, create a passcode, and manage gifts like the back of their hand. A giving ambassador will be a great resource for you and your members if giving questions arise.
Create an appeal and show a screenshot of your appeal during announcements on Sunday morning! Let your members know where this appeal is located, (your website, social media, etc.) and encourage them to donate and share the appeal on their social media pages to get the word out about your fundraiser and why it is near and dear to your church's heart.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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