Strong app engagement all starts with successful app adoption. Show your members how awesome your church app is!
It can be tough to figure out where to start and what to do to see strong app engagement. So, below are some target goals to help strengthen your overall app engagement and connection with your church family based on your church’s average weekly attendance number.
High download numbers are a great first step towards solid app engagement. When your app is downloaded, church members can access all things church-related in your app, no matter the time of day or where they are physically located.
*Note: We recommend you set a goal to have 70% of your church family download your app.
Ways to Encourage New Downloads
- Put up fliers on community boards and posters in the halls.
- Post about it on social media and on your website. Include download links in your posts.
- On Sunday morning, encourage your members to learn more about upcoming events, new small groups, daily devotionals, and more in the app.
- Create app-exclusive content. Your app is a tool for you to communicate with your members, but also a tool for your members to complete signup forms, fill out prayer requests, give, and more - no matter where they are located.
- Make your app a one-stop shop for all things church-related. The great thing about an app is your members can quickly and easily access all things church related by clicking on your app icon on their phone!
Profiles let your members customize their journey within your app. Once your members have created a profile in the app, they can then opt into interests (tags created in your admin portal), where they can customize their experience in the app to stay up to date on new opportunities and notifications based on those interests. Profiles also create a better member experience when filling out forms. FACTS forms are “smart” forms, which means if an individual has created an app profile and filled out a form inside your app, their profile information will populate for them! This means they can spend less time typing out their contact info and more time responding to the form questions.
*Note: Aim to have 90% of those who have downloaded your app create a profile. You can calculate this on the Dashboard > App page in your portal. Divide the number of profiles by the number of downloads.
Ways to Encourage Profile Creations:
- Set aside the last 5-10 minutes of Sunday service to walk through how to create a profile in-app together.
- Create a promotional image or quick video/screen recording that encourages members to create an in-app profile. Make it visible during a slide show before service and on your social media as a mid-week reminder.
- Schedule a few push messages over a couple of weeks encouraging your members to create a profile in-app. You can even have this push message direct your members to the profile section in-app by selecting your profile button under the open to a feature option.
- Once members have created a profile in-app, encourage them to opt into interests (see Tags section below!). A push message reminding them why it’s important to opt into interests can help!

Tags are another great anchor where you can strengthen your app engagement. Tags are known as interests in the app, and let your members customize their journey within your app. Our team has created a few target goals when it comes to the number of suggested tags created based on your average weekly attendance.
Average Weekly Attendance:100-500
- 5 tags or more
Average Weekly Attendance: 501-1000
- 10 tags or more
Average Weekly Attendance: 1000+
- 15-20 tags or more
*Note: Some popular tags we have seen our partners create are Staff, Volunteer, Small Group, Deacons, Guest, Prayer Team, and more!
Push Notifications
Push notifications are a powerful way to reach your community with timely, relevant messages. Push notifications have higher engagement rates than emails, which makes them a popular way to communicate with people who have downloaded your app. Broadcasted push messages and Tag-targeted push messages are two different ways to use push messages.
- Broadcast Push Messages. Send a message to everyone who has downloaded your app and opted into app notifications. Great for all-church reminders and updates!
- Tag-targeted messages. For example, send a message about volunteer opportunities to people who have expressed an interest in volunteering and who have opted to receive communications about volunteering.
Our team has created target goals for broadcasted and tag-targeted push messages based on the average weekly attendance below.
Average Weekly Attendance:100-500
- 1-2 broadcast push messages per week
- 1-2 push messages to at least 1 tag per week
Average Weekly Attendance: 501-1000
- 1-2 broadcast push messages per week
- 1-2 pushes to at least 3 tags per week
Average Weekly Attendance: 1000+
- 1-2 broadcast push messages per week
- 1-2 pushes to at least 5 tags per week
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at!
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