Donors may mistakenly choose the wrong fund, appeal, or pledge in the process of giving. As an admin, you can edit the fund, appeal, or pledge associated with a transaction after the transaction has been processed successfully. You can also split a transaction between multiple funds or appeals.
*Note: You cannot edit transactions through FACTS if you are using Planning Center Online Giving or Church Community Builder Giving. Please edit those transactions directly in either PCO or CCB.
Edit a Transaction
To edit a transaction after it has been processed, click the three dots in the Actions column on the furthest right-hand side of the table.

In the Actions menu, you'll see a View/Edit Transaction option, as well as a View Change Log option. The change log allows you to see what changes you or other Admins have made to a given transaction.
When you click on View/Edit Transaction, you'll see a window that will allow you to make changes to the transaction selected.

As shown in the image above, on the View/Edit Transaction window, the transaction details that you cannot change are displayed with a grey background. You can change both the current Fund and Appeal by selecting a new value from the dropdown menus. The dropdown menu only offers Funds and Appeals that are currently active.
If you would like to add Appeals to your account, send us a note at
When you change a Transaction’s Appeal, the portal automatically changes the associated fund. For example, suppose you want to change the appeal for Joe Smith's gift from the Christmas Appeal to the New Year's Appeal:
If the Christmas Appeal is tied to the General Fund, and
The New Year's Appeal is tied to the Holiday Fund, and
You change the appeal for Joe's transaction from the Christmas Appeal to the New Year's Appeal;
The portal changes the fund for Joe's transaction from the General Fund to the Holiday Fund
When you change a fund, appeal, or pledge, the screen adjusts the totals associated with the updated fund, appeal, or pledge.
To change the pledge associated with the transaction, select Pledge. A dropdown menu appears, from which you can select a new pledge. For more information on pledges, read this article.
If you want to let the donor know about the changes, check the Notify donor of changes via email checkbox.
Split a Transaction
You can split a cash transaction into as many as 5 different funds or appeals. This feature is especially useful when only a portion of a donor’s gift is tax-deductible. You can easily designate what portion of the gift is deductible by splitting a single transaction between tax-deductible and nondeductible funds.
From the View/Edit Transaction window, click the Split Transaction button.
Two rows are shown with options for Amount, Fund, and Appeal, and the button now reads Split Again. The first row defaults to the original Fund and Appeal from the transaction, which you can update if needed.
Each time you click the Split Transaction button, a new row appears, and the screen evenly calculates the amount for you based on the number of rows. You can change these amounts, as long as the sum of the rows equals the total transaction amount when the transaction is saved.

Remove a split at any time by simply clicking on the trash can icon next to the row:
On the Transactions page, split transactions will appear with the split icon next to the fund name. If the split included an appeal, the split icon appears next to the appeal name. When you hover over the split icon, the details for each split are shown, along with the total transaction amount.

Your Reconcile report will show the splits included on any transaction when you expand the date to view individual transactions for that day. For more information on Reconciliation, visit Reconciliation and Reporting Tools.
Disclaimer Notification
If you try to edit a transaction that is part of a recurring donation series, a disclaimer appears at the bottom of the window. The disclaimer reads: “This transaction is part of a recurring gift series. Only this transaction will be changed.” This means that the changes made are not universal and they affect only the current transaction.
Change Log
When any admin makes a change to a transaction, that change appears on the Change Log page.
To see all changes to all transactions, click the View Change Log button in the upper right-hand corner of the Transactions page.
This opens the transaction as a single row in the Transactions table, as shown below.
If a transaction has never been changed, the View Change Log option is not available.
Change Log Page

Explanation of Columns
Transaction ID: This column identifies the transaction. You can click it to see the transaction as a single row in the Transactions table, as shown below.
Amount: The amount donated in the transaction.
Donor Name: The name of the donor who gave.
Date & Time of Change: The date and time that the admin made changes to the transaction.
Field Changed: The type of the part of the transaction that changed; an appeal, a fund, or a pledge.
Description of Change: the name of the original fund or appeal, an arrow, and the name of the new fund or appeal. A split transaction change is indicated by split arrows followed by a complete list of the changed funds and/or appeals.
Changed by: The name and email address of the admin who changed the transaction.
Single View on Transactions page and Change Log page
Admins also can view the change log for a specific transaction. In this view, as shown in the example above, you can view the changes that have been made to that transaction by clicking the three dots on the far right-hand side of the Actions column, then selecting the View Change Log option.
After clicking the View Change Log option, you'll be redirected to a single view change log page, as pictured below.
The information on this page will be the same as on the original Change Log page, but narrowed down to one transaction for easier viewing. Additionally, the navigation steps at the top left of the page will allow you to navigate back to the Change Log or the Transactions page.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at!
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