Maximize donations and fundraising efforts through Matching Gifts, then easily track and manage those efforts in the admin portal. A matching gift is any donation made by one party that is intended to match a previous donation made by another party, where the two parties have an established relationship.
For example: Suppose one of your members is an employee of Acme Company. The member donates $5 to a fund. Acme Company has a policy to match any donation made by its employees, so Acme Company also donates $5 to the fund. The result is a total donation of $10.
Suppose another of your members volunteers for a charitable organization. The member donates $20 to the Feeding the Homeless fund. The organization has a policy to match 50% of any donations given to food charities, so the organization gives $10. The result is a total donation of $30.
Your member, as the donor, is the Matchee. Acme Company, as the matching entity, is the Matcher.
Matching Gifts Process
Set up a profile for the Matcher and assign the Matching Profile flag. This is the person or organization who intends to match the donation of the Matchee, who probably already has a profile.
Establish a relationship between the Matchee and the Matcher.
Designate the Matchee’s transaction as expecting a match.
When the Matcher sends the matching funds, associate those funds with both the Matcher’s profile and with the Matchee’s original donation.
Manage Matching Profiles
You can designate any profile, whether a Person or an Organization, as a Matching Profile. From either the People List or the Organizations List, open a profile. Look for the Matching Profile section. Select Yes to mark the profile as one that will match gifts previously donated by another member.
On a People Profile page, the Matching Profile section appears below the address information.
On an Organization Profile page, the Matching Profile section appears below the phone number.
Establish Relationships
Now establish a relationship between the donor and the matching entity.
On the donor’s Profile page, in the Connections tab, click the + Add Relationship button.
The Add a New Relationship window opens. In the first field, select the name of the matching entity. In the second field, select the type of relationship. The portal displays a second line to describe the relationship from the donor’s side. In the fourth field, select the corresponding relationship.
Add or Edit a Gift That Has an Expected Match
You can assign an expected match designation to an existing transaction, or to one that you add manually.
The system expects matches only of specific dollar amounts, not percentages.
Go to Giving > Transactions. To add a new transaction, click on the + Add Transactions button. To edit an existing transaction from the Transactions list, filter or scroll to locate a specific transaction. Click the ellipsis on the right-hand side of the table to open the Actions menu, then select the View / Edit Transaction option.
Fulfill an Expected Match
Once you have established that there is a gift that has an expected match, you can now match the donation when the Matcher sends the funds.
Open the Add Transaction window or the View / Edit Transaction window to fulfill the match. To fulfill the match, select This gift is a match. This expands the section so you can establish details about the match. Open the Select Matching Gift(s) drop-down to see a list of donations that have been previously identified as expecting a match from related profiles. Check as many of the donations that apply.
The total of the matching gifts selected from the dropdown must equal the amount of the matching gift being added or edited. In this example, if two of your members work for Acme Company, and the members expected $250 and $75 respectively, and Acme Company donates $325, then you must check the donations of both members.
Save the transaction to complete the matching. The system also applies a soft credit to the profile(s) whose gift has been matched. For more information, visit the Soft Credits article. When multiple soft credits are applied to a single transaction, the Soft Credit column on the Transactions page provides a link to view all related transactions.
Donor Notifications
When Matching Gift Details are updated on a transaction, and the "Notify donor of changes via email" checkbox is selected, the matching gift changes will be included in the email to the donor.
Manage Matching Gifts
After you add or edit transactions, you can manage the matching donations through the Matching Gift Report.
The Matching Gift Report lets you:
Monitor the status of matching gifts and expected dates
Sort and filter to see the matching gifts associated with specific funds
Cancel a matching gift
View the original transaction associated with a matching gift
For more information, visit the Matching Gifts Report article.
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