All errors will include a row number next to them in your transaction import results email. This is to help you as the admin identify where the error occurred. An explanation regarding each error and how to address it can be found below:
Invalid Transaction ID
- A transaction ID is required.
The Transaction ID format must be in numerical form, and be no more than 10 digits. The format cannot contain letters, special characters or be left empty.
Invalid Profile GUID or Organization ID
- The Profile GUID, Profile Custom ID, or Organization ID, must match an already existing profile GUID, Custom ID, or Organization ID in the portal.
- A value is required in one of the ID fields, and only one of the ID fields can contain data in each row.
Invalid Transaction Date format or Missing required field: Date
- A transaction date is required.
- The date must be in ISO 8601 format, which is as follows: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00”. This is the 4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day, the letter "T", 2-digit hour, 2-digit minute, 2-digit second, and 4-digit timezone (with a + or - at the beginning of the timezone).
- Here's an example of a valid date: 2023-07-14T10:35:54-04:00
If the file is imported without the timezone, your local timezone will be assigned to the imported transactions.
US Timezone Options:
EDT = -4:00
EST/CDT = -5:00
CST/MDT = -6:00
MST/PDT = -7:00
PST = -8:00
Amount must be at least 1.00 and less than 100,000,000.00
A transaction is required.
The entered amount must be between 1.00 and 99,999,999.99.
Invalid Transaction Type
- Valid Transaction Types:
- Cash, cash, CASH
- Check, check, CHECK
- Credit, credit, CREDIT
- ACH, ach, Ach
- Other, other, OTHER
The Transaction Type is required.
A Fund ID, Appeal ID, or Pledge ID is required
- A value is required in one of these ID fields, and it is recommend that only one of these IDs be entered in each row.
- Pledges are associated with a specific fund or an appeal, and appeals are associated with a specific fund. Therefore, when including more than one ID, if the associated IDs do not match, an error will be returned.
Invalid Fund ID
- The Appeal ID must match an existing Appeal ID. Appeal ID’s can be found on the Giving > Appeals page in the portal.
- When using a Pledge ID to associate an imported transaction with a pledge, if an Appeal ID is also included that is not associated with that pledge, this error is returned. It is recommended that you only include the Pledge ID.
Invalid Pledge ID
- The Pledge ID must match an existing Pledge ID. Pledge ID’s can be found on the Reports > Pledge Report page in the portal.
Pledges cannot be associated with Organizations
- When using a Pledge ID to associate an imported transaction with a pledge, if an Organization ID is included in the same row, this error is returned.
- A pledge transaction must be associated with either a Profile GUID or a Profile Custom ID.
Description exceeds character limit
- A description must not exceed 50 characters.
Description exceeds character limit
- A description is optional but must not be greater than 50 characters.
Description required for Other transaction type
- When the Transaction Type is Other, a Description is required.
Comments/Notes exceeds character limit
- Comments/Notes must not exceed 500 characters.
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