On Sunday mornings, sermon notes are often passed out, providing a place to jot down thoughts and highlighting key points to take away from the message.
You can now take advantage of a digital version of your sermon notes right inside your app. With Interactive Notes, users can take notes on their devices and email themselves a copy to refer back to later.
Add and Manage Notes
To create an interactive note, go to App > Features + Content and add the Notes feature to your app. Learn how to add, edit, and delete your app's features in this article.
Once you have added the Notes feature to your app, hover over this feature and click the Edit Content button. From here, you can enter your note title and add an optional date to display alongside it. The Note Body box is where you will create your note. Once you have created your note, simply click the Add Note button.
You can easily manage multiple notes and view member engagement via the All Notes list on
the left. All sermon notes are listed by date created by default. However, you may
drag and drop your notes into any order you wish. In your app, members
will see the notes organized in the same order you specify in your list. Each time
one of your members saves a note in-app, you will see the counter to the right of each note title
You can always edit previous notes you have created. To edit a note, select it from the All Notes list on the left side of your screen, make your changes, and then click the Update Note button.
To delete a past note, click select the note and click the Delete Note button.
If you are looking through a past note or making some changes to a past note and are ready to create a brand new note, click the Clear Note button to start a new one. Make sure to update the prior note first to save any changes made.
Format Notes
Your sermon notes are formatted with Markdown - a relatively simple code (HTML and Javascript are not supported).
You also have a number of options to format your content. You can adjust the appearance of font to stand out through headings, italics, and bold text, as well as add spaces for text responses from users. o create a space for user input add "[text]" or "[area]". "[text]" will create a short fill-in-the-blank section, and "[area]" will create a larger response area.
Below is a screenshot of different ways to adjust the appearance of font to stand out through headings, italics, bold text, and text spaces.
You can create a numbered list within your notes. Here is an example of how your numbered list will look, both on the back end and in-app.
You can also create a bulleted list within your notes. Below is an example of a bulleted list.
*Note: A bulleted list within a numbered list is not supported.
Lastly, you can add images within a note. Here is an example of how it will look.
A Snapshot of Basic Markdowns
Basic Member Experience
Your members will be able to follow along with your Sunday sermon and take notes no matter where they are! Once your members finish filling out their notes, they have the option to email themselves a copy of the notes they just completed. Your members can also reference past notes they have completed by opening your notes feature and selecting My Notes. Your members can enter their email address and click Find to retrieve all past notes they have completed. A notification of their note activity will also be included on the activity table in the timeline section of their profile. Learn more about the profile activity timeline here.
I created a numbered list within my notes,1., 2., 3... etc shows as a numbered list 1., 1., 1., in app, why?
The numbered list markdown can be sensitive to additional spacing; eliminating the space following the numbered list should resolve this issue.
Can you use additional markdown options other than what's provided to customize notes?
Today the notes feature only supports the markdown options provided (heading options, making text bold or italicized and adding a fill-in-the-blank or journaling area)
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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