If you'd like to further customize your app design, you can add header graphics to certain feature pages and thumbnails to each list item in that feature.
A handful of features with this customization include:
- Links
- Custom Video
- Feature Hubs
- Info Pages (Header only)
- FACTS Forms/CCB Forms (Header only)
- Podcasts (Header only)
- Calendar: Event Listing (Header only)
Header Images
Hover over one of the features from the above list and click the gear icon to bring up the Tile Settings window.
Click the Choose File button and pick the image you would like to use. Click the Update Feature button to save changes.
*Note: Both Header and Wide Header are required for Headers to display. The size and file types are:
- Header: 640x400px PNG or JPEG
- Wide Header:1136x200px PNG or JPEG
Icon Images
Hover over one of the features from the above list and click the Edit Content button.
Click the gear icon of the sub-feature you'd like to add an image for.
Click the Choose File button to pick an image and save changes. The image must be 300x300px, in either PNG or JPEG form.
*Note: Check out FACTS' thumbnail library for a wide variety of thumbnail images you can use.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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