With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can add new features and easily change the appearance of your features.
Add a New Feature to Your App
- Login to FACTS.net and go to App > Features + Content.
- Click on the green plus button on the right-hand side of your screen. A list of all your available features will appear.
- Click on the feature you want to add and select Add Feature.
Update Tile Settings for Your Feature
In the Tile Settings, you can add or change the title and image for your feature. To update the tile settings, hover over the feature and select the gear icon in the tile's upper left corner.
Edit Feature Title
You can create or edit a title for the feature in the Feature Title field. To save your changes, click Update Feature and then Close.
*Note: Keep in mind that the title needs to be concise enough to fit in the feature's label.
Edit Feature Image
You can also upload a tile or header tile image for either a standard or wide tile design:
- Click Choose File to add a button image (300x300px) or (600x300 for the mosaic layout).
- If you use the mosaic layout and want the wide tile to display on your home screen, you will need to upload both a Tile image (300x300) and a Wide Tile image (600x300). Once you have uploaded both images, a circle icon will appear below each image option. You will then be able to choose which tile image will appear in-app by selecting the circle under the desired tile image. Learn more about the Mosaic Layout in this Mosaic App Layout article.
- To save your changes, click Update Feature and then Close.
*Note: For button creation, consider using design resources like Unsplash for images and Nounproject for icons.
Delete Your Feature
To remove a feature, click the red Delete Feature button and then click the Delete Feature Confirm Deletion button. The window will close automatically.
Add/Edit Content Within Your Feature
To customize your feature’s content, hover over the feature on the App screen and click on the Edit Content button to open the edit screen for that particular feature.
Please also be aware of 3 alternative labels you will see instead of Edit Content that pertains to these features:
View Transactions for Giving
Schedule Message for Inbox
View Profiles for Profile & Directory
Disable Your Feature
To disable a feature, select the green toggle, which will move it to the left.
The tile will turn “off”. It will be in a grayed-out state and will not be visible to your users in the app. All buttons/functionality will still function as usual in this state in the portal.
The tile can be enabled again by clicking on the toggle to move it back to the right.
Reorder your Features
To reorder your features, hover over the feature and click and hold the gripper icon (6 dots) at the top center of the tile. Drag and drop the tile to the desired location in your feature list.
Unavailable/Unsupported Tile States
You may see these two tile colors/messages on your App tab.
Unavailable feature:
- This will show if a feature has been disabled by the FACTS team, and you no longer have access to it.
- You can still edit the feature in this state, but it will not be visible in-app.
Unsupported feature:
- This will show if your current app version does not support this feature; a higher app version is required. Usually, this means this feature will be included in your next scheduled app update. See your dashboard for your next update date (read the Your FACTS Dashboard article to learn more, and contact communitysupport@factsmgt.com if you want to force an out-of-cycle app update.
- You can still edit the feature in this state, but it will not be visible in-app.
If you have any questions or need help, send us a note at communitysupport@factsmgt.com!
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